The Bourne Comeback

Did ya miss me? I feel just like Dolly Levi coming back to Harmonia Gardens. If you don't get the reference, chances are you haven't arrived here from a link at Talkin' Broadway. But however you got here, you'd better hang onto something, 'cause I've got great news!
The Bourne Ultimatum opens in two days!! Well, depending on when you read this. It could be sooner. Or it could already be open. It could even already be up for the Oscar! Oh, who am I kidding, they don't nominate action thrillers for Oscars. But they ought to, right? Especially when they're as fantabulistically birlliant as this one. Or so I hear...
There's lots and lots of good stuff being spread around about Matt's latest Bourne epic. James Berardinelli of Reelviews says Ultimatum's stunts are "no less preposterous" than those in Live Free or Die Hard (what a ride that was, by the way), but what Ultimatum ultimately offers is "grittier and more visceral." Victoria Alexander in says Matt "doesn't talk, eat or sleep and goes around the world on a fake passport and ten bucks! He beats a guy to death! (um, spoiler alert?) It's non-stop excitement." David Denby in New Yorker says "you come out of the movie both excited and soothed, as if your body had been worked on by felt-covered drumsticks." Remind me not to invite Denby to give me a massage. David...drumsticks? Really? Who's been working on you? Nathan Lee in the Village Voice goes so far as to say it's "simply put, some of the most accomplished filmmaking being done anywhere for any purpose."
Cool stuff, huh? And it's gets cooler. Matt and producer Frank Marshall travelled to Oklahoma City for a premiere of the film to benefit The Children's Center, raising $192,000 for the hospital. They also visited Boise, Idaho for the premiere at the Egyptian theater. Why? Well, it's become a little good luck ritual. It seems to have worked quite well for The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy, so why mess with a good thing?
Am I the only one who's completely gaga for Matt? That's a big negative. The fans in Boise and Oklahoma City naturally went crazy when they caught a glimpse of the Damonator, but get this: Joan Allen (co-star in Bourne Supremacy and Bourne Ultimatum - tell me you didn't know that!) said recently "When I look at some of the moments that he has, I can't believe the number of things he has going on simultaneously. Here's a character that has these super powers, he's very smart, he doesn't really understand, he's confused and he's tortured. And sometimes, I see all that in Matt in just a look..." High praise indeed, no? But wait, that's not all! Joan added "I think he's also very sexy as he does it. Even though there's very little overt sexuality, these are very sexy films, and he is very sexy in them." Well, tell me something I don't know, Joan! Of course Matt is very sexy! He was very sexy in The Brothers Grimm with a really bad wig and he's very, very sexy in The Rainmaker (due out any day now on a special 10th anniversary edition DVD!), so why shouldn't he be sexy as an amnesiac assassin who gets the girl, loses the girl and beats most of the world's spy citizenry to a bloody pulp?
By the way, have you been playing the Google Search for Bourne game? It's great fun and it gets us all ready for the big day (this Friday, August 3rd!!!) as you learn to use Google's stuff like You Tube and Image searches and what have you. Am I a Google shill? No, I swear it! I'm just having fun playing a little game. In preparation for a very big film!
Hey, have I told you The Bourne Ultimatum opens this Friday? Here's to a brilliant opening weekend, Matt! Break a leg!
We're bringing Jason ba-ack...yeah...them other movies don't know what they la-ack...
Bourne, baby, Bourne! I had no idea there was a new Bourne movie coming out this Friday, August 3rd. I'm always the last to know everything. Oh, wait, that's someone else.
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