Co-Workers Can Be Sweet

A few months ago, another co-worker, Diane, informed me of the picture of Matt in the Humpty Dumpty outfit you'll find elsewhere in this blog (Catch the Original Version of Everything, November 3, 2006). When Matt was on the cover of the Arts and Leisure section in the Sunday New York Times, Allison made sure I was aware of it. Patience bought me a copy of a magazine last year for my birthday because Matt was on the cover pointing toward the camera with a caption that read "Matt Damon wants you." That, of course, went right up on my wall! Mary-Theresa regularly puts any Matt-related items in my in box with a post-it note attached to highlight the picture or quote.
So, you can see, co-workers can be sweet. When they indulge our obsessions, er, passions, we love them all the more for it. Since I work with an office filled with women, they seem to have a firm grasp on my obsession. Not that women are obsessed, mind you, but I suspect if I worked in, say, a car repair center, the mechanics would likely have a problem with my Matt photos and constant Matt talk. They might go so far as to replace my Matt accoutrements with Pamela Anderson superfluities. Then, obviously, I would have to politely suggest they see a professional to get a Mattitude adjustment.
So three cheers for co-workers who understand a heart beating the faster for Matt's sparkly blue eyes, his pumped-up physique, his very existence. And thanks to them all from the bottom of my Matt-loving heart for their generous donations to my collection, so my office can be even more Mattractive. Ahhhhh...
Mattitude adjustment! bah-hahahahahahahahah!
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