And speaking of...
Well, now I've seen Barbra Streisand live, and all I can say is: "I can't wait for the DVD!" It'll be lovely to actually see what went on in that arena. Even with $50 binoculars, all I could make out was that Barb has put on a few since "retiring." The next time I hear there are cheap seats available for a big concert, I'm going to simply say "oh really?" and just go on with my life.
And speaking of going on with my life, I got a new kitty cat.
He's a two-year-old black tabby who was formerly staying rent free at the ASPCA and now has to work for a living. He keeps the mice out of my apartment. What the heck is it with New York these days? I moved out of Manhattan to escape a mouse infestation and one day while watching the pilot for Nip/Tuck (and by the way, ewww, so gross!) who should appear in my fifth floor penthouse but a rodent who wasn't invited in! So off I went to adopt a cat. This particular cat (and yes, that's my hairy knee in the picture) is named Matt Damon. Hey, there's a precedent...Lorelei Gilmore had a dog named Paul Anka and Charlotte York had a dog named Elizabeth Taylor. So why shouldn't I have a cat named Matt Damon? This way, when I say I slept with Matt Damon last night, I won't be lying. Any more.
And speaking of Matt Damon, I finally got around to seeing The Departed last Tuesday. It's so brilliant I don't know what happened! I'm not always able to follow these intricately plotted adventures where one guy is who he shouldn't be and another guy is not who you think he is. Then, at the end you find out there were two more guys who may or may not have been who they said they were. I was so relieved this time to find out I'm not the only one who missed stuff. My friend Allison wanted to know what was in the envelope Leonardo gave Vera and I just couldn't say. My friend Joe wanted to know how Mark Wahlberg knew who to go after at the end and I can't say that either. And when I discussed it with Sean at work, he didn't know and believe me, if Sean doesn't know then there's just no hope - he watches a lot of this kind of thing!
Nonetheless, I loved it. I thought it was riveting. It was 2 and a half hours and I didn't look at my watch once. Everyone in this film was perfect. Mark Wahlberg played the type of guy I'd never be friends with and he played it perfectly. Leonardo DiCaprio was so vulnerable I thought he was going to self-destruct. Vera Farmiga showed just the right amount of duplicity for a woman who's dating a cop and sleeping with a hood. Or was she dating a hood and sleeping with a cop? And hey - whose baby was it anyway? I usually find Jack Nicholson to be waaaay over the top, but this time, I thought he was just far enough off the ground and yet, not exactly on the roof. And speaking of the, I can't discuss it, that would give too much away and you've just got to see this flick for yourself! So was Matt any good? Um, is this your first time reading this blog? Matt was fucking brilliant! Matt deserves an Oscar for the way he delivered the line "I'd run an ice pick through some poor slob's heart if it would get me a date with you" alone! Priceless, Matt, priceless!
Yes, Matt is a really, really bad guy in this movie, but, well, I'd still do him. I just probably wouldn't stay the night. I mean, his character was really, really creepy and anyone would be more than a little paranoid to spend too much time with this guy. But Matt is so outrageously yummy that he could be covered in mud, sitting on a park bench reeking of sweat and holding a Budweiser between his legs and I'd still beg him to let me lick him like an ice cream cone. Oh, honey, I've got it bad and that's not good! And speaking of good, don't you think he looks good in those knee socks? But then, he can make tube socks look hot.
And speaking of going on with my life, I got a new kitty cat.

He's a two-year-old black tabby who was formerly staying rent free at the ASPCA and now has to work for a living. He keeps the mice out of my apartment. What the heck is it with New York these days? I moved out of Manhattan to escape a mouse infestation and one day while watching the pilot for Nip/Tuck (and by the way, ewww, so gross!) who should appear in my fifth floor penthouse but a rodent who wasn't invited in! So off I went to adopt a cat. This particular cat (and yes, that's my hairy knee in the picture) is named Matt Damon. Hey, there's a precedent...Lorelei Gilmore had a dog named Paul Anka and Charlotte York had a dog named Elizabeth Taylor. So why shouldn't I have a cat named Matt Damon? This way, when I say I slept with Matt Damon last night, I won't be lying. Any more.
And speaking of Matt Damon, I finally got around to seeing The Departed last Tuesday. It's so brilliant I don't know what happened! I'm not always able to follow these intricately plotted adventures where one guy is who he shouldn't be and another guy is not who you think he is. Then, at the end you find out there were two more guys who may or may not have been who they said they were. I was so relieved this time to find out I'm not the only one who missed stuff. My friend Allison wanted to know what was in the envelope Leonardo gave Vera and I just couldn't say. My friend Joe wanted to know how Mark Wahlberg knew who to go after at the end and I can't say that either. And when I discussed it with Sean at work, he didn't know and believe me, if Sean doesn't know then there's just no hope - he watches a lot of this kind of thing!
Nonetheless, I loved it. I thought it was riveting. It was 2 and a half hours and I didn't look at my watch once. Everyone in this film was perfect. Mark Wahlberg played the type of guy I'd never be friends with and he played it perfectly. Leonardo DiCaprio was so vulnerable I thought he was going to self-destruct. Vera Farmiga showed just the right amount of duplicity for a woman who's dating a cop and sleeping with a hood. Or was she dating a hood and sleeping with a cop? And hey - whose baby was it anyway? I usually find Jack Nicholson to be waaaay over the top, but this time, I thought he was just far enough off the ground and yet, not exactly on the roof. And speaking of the, I can't discuss it, that would give too much away and you've just got to see this flick for yourself! So was Matt any good? Um, is this your first time reading this blog? Matt was fucking brilliant! Matt deserves an Oscar for the way he delivered the line "I'd run an ice pick through some poor slob's heart if it would get me a date with you" alone! Priceless, Matt, priceless!

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