The Daily Damon?

Although no one has actually voiced this (or written it), my guilt leads me to point out I haven't had an entry on this blog since August 31. That's 14 days ago (or two weeks, for those of you keeping score at home). So how on earth can I call this thing The Daily Damon? Well, the answer I have for you is that this blog is as much a daily occurrence as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Whenever there's a holiday, Jon takes at least two weeks off, and on those occasions when he has to fly to Los Angeles to host the Oscars or win a couple more Emmys, you can bet the show will be off the air for at least another week! Not to mention the fact that the show's title is already incorrect because it airs only Monday through Thursday.
So basically, if Jon Stewart can say his show is "daily," I can say the same about my blog!
Speaking of television, did anyone out there see the Jimmy Kimmel show last night? The former Man Show host has a new chat show which he's been closing by saying "Apologies to Matt Damon, we ran out of time." Last night, at long last, Matt was on the show, but after an impossibly long introduction by Mr. Kimmel, they ran short on time and apologies were offered to Matt. When asked if he could come back the next night, Matt told Kimmel he could go fuck himself (he was bleeped, but I watched his perfect mouth very carefully). Over the credits, Matt was shown to be in a red-faced rant, and finally storming off the set. Hilarious, no? I know I busted a gut! Difficult as it may be to believe, some of Kimmel's fans have emailed him saying they thought Matt was totally out of line. There are also two(!) threads on the IMDB Matt Damon forum about how angry Matt got over this. Hey kids, it was a joke! I imagined anyone who might be a fan of Kimmel's brand of humor would surely get it. It reminds me of the time when Sinead O'Connor was booed off the stage at a Bob Dylan tribute concert after having torn a picture of the pope on a recent airing of Saturday Night Live. How, I wondered, could Bob Dylan fans not be in favor of free speech? The man who spent the 60s and 70s protesting everything from bigotry to xenophobia. It perplexes me.
One other thing that perplexes me is how Matt could have been passed up for an Emmy nomination for his brilliant work on The Bernie Mac Show episode Keep it on the Short Grass. I was reminded of this last night when the episode was rerun. Of course, he played himself, but I have to say, next to Lucy Lawless (also playing herself), he looked much more realistic.
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